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Past News and Events:

Spring 2024

What's Happening in Honors -Spring 2024 at a glance.

HCIR posterHCIR Student Symposium:

We are proud to host the 2024 Annual Student Symposium of the Honors Council of the Illinois Region: February 23-24, 2024.  Honors students and faculty from across Illinois will be attending


The annual HCIR Student Symposium organized under the auspices of the Honors Council of the Illinois Region is an opportunity for Honors students and faculty to meet and share the excitement and unique nature of the Honors experience.

 To view the images from the Symposium, click here


spring-24-glassman-8.5-x-11-final.pngThe Glassman Distinguished Speaker Spring 2024:

 In celebration of Black History Month and University Honor's theme for this year, Cosmos and Culture, Fr. Joseph Brown will deliver the Glassman Distinguished lecture on the imagination of the cosmos and relationship with ancestors in the Black spiritual tradition.  Read more

Sankofa: Let the Songs of the Ancestors Teach Us To Fly

Talk and reception:
Tuesday, February 13, 5:00-7:30 PM
Christian A. Moe Theater, Communications building, SIUC.

Interspersed with dances presented by Darryl Clark (Associate Professor, Theater and Dance) and Dominique Atwood (Visiting Artist).  See recording here.

Fall 2023

What's Happening, Fall 2023 - check here for events, civic engagement, and social opportunities to meet  Honors students and mentors.  

The Glassman Distinguished Speaker Fall 2023:

Fall-23-Tenney.png We are proud to welcome Winifred Haun & Dancers as our distinguished speaker for
the Glassman Distinguished Speaker Fall 2023, in collaboration with the College of Arts and Media.

Friday, November 17, 7:00 PM
Shryock Auditorium, Carbondale, IL

Meet the Artist:
Thursday, November 16th, 11-12:30 PM
Honors Lounge, Morris Library, Room 180

Winifred Haun is an SIU alumna and award-winning artist, the recipient of a 3Arts and a MacArthur Foundation International Connections award. During her residency, she will hold workshops locally and present some of that work in the showcase on Friday, November 17th.

The event is free and open to the public. To view the program, Click here

It is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency through federal funds provided by the National Endowment for the Arts

Read more here

and also here

The Charles D. Tenney Distinguished Speaker Fall 2023:

Fall-23-Tenney.png We are proud to welcome Dr. Sheri Wells-Jensen as our distinguished speaker for the  Charles D. Tenney Distinguished Speaker Fall 2023, in collaboration with the College of Liberal Arts.

Thursday, November 2, 2023
Chat over Coffee and Donuts: 10 AM - 11 PM, The COLA Dean's Atrium

Presentation and Reception: 5 PM - 7:30 PM, Guyon Auditorium, Morris Library

Dr. Sheri Wells-Jensen, a SIU alum, and expert on xenolinguistics, will give a talk titled, "Interstellar Challenge: Would blind aliens build telescopes?"

The lecture will also be live on zoom.  To register: Click Here

The event is free and open to the public.  Read more about Dr. Wells-Jensen


Spring 2023

What's Happening, Spring 2023 - check here for events, civic engagement, and social opportunities to meet  Honors students and mentors. 


SIU honors students will participate in USDA-funded initiative on food and sustainability aimed at developing innovative teaching and holistic approaches relating to food, climate justice and sustainable agriculture. Read more


Faculty-cluster--April-6.jpgHonors Themed Cluster showcase:  

Each year the University Honors Program explores a theme, clustering a few seminars around it. The theme for the 22-23 year is Migrations and Borders.  We invite you to this interdisciplinary gathering where faculty teaching in that cluster and students whose research addresses it will share their work.

When:  April 19, 2023, 3:00-5:00 PM

Where: Honors Lounge






The Charles D. Tenney Distinguished Speakers Spring 2023:

Elisabetta Matsumoto - Tenney Speaker Spring 2023 We are proud to welcome Elisabetta Matsumoto as our distinguished speaker for the  Charles D. Tenney Distinguished Speaker Spring 2023 in collaboration with the Yellow Moon Gyroid Installation.

Friday, March 3, 2023
Gallery talk: 10 AM - 12 PM, Quigley Hall, Gallery 119
Presentation: 3 PM - 4:30 PM, Guyon Auditorium, Morris Library

Elisabetta Matsumoto is an associate professor in the School of Physics at Georgia Institute of Technology. Her physics research centers around the relationship between geometry and material properties in soft systems, including liquid crystals, 3D printing and textiles. Her lab studies knitted textiles from the point of view of knot theory and as an additive manufacturing technique. She is also interested in using sewing, 3D printing and virtual reality in mathematical art and education.  Read more

Recording of her talk and related events available here.

Sujan Shrestha - Tenney Speaker Spring 2023 We are proud to welcome Sujan Shrestha as the Charles D. Tenney Distinguished Speaker Spring 2023.

Sujan Shrestha is an associate professor at the University of Baltimore in the Division of Science, Information Arts and Technologies. His research focuses on teaching and learning through games and digital interactive technology. With a background in experimental art and new media he creates solutions for the restoration and preservation of history by means of storytelling, games and emerging technology. He established University of Maryland’s GameLab, and is an active board member for the Bridges Organization, which focuses on mathematical connections in art, music, architecture, education, and culture. Read More

Honors Faculty Showcase: Each year, the University Honors Program takes up a theme that we explore explore through our seminars and related events.  Our theme for Fall 22-Spring 23 was Migrations and Borders.

Please join us to hear about the work done in our cluster of seminars.

  • Wednesday, April 19, 3 - 5 PM.
  • University Honors Program Lounge, Morris Library 180. 


Fall 2022

What's Happening, Fall  2022-check here for events, civic engagement, and social opportunities to meet  Honors students and mentors.

Glassman-lecture.png We are proud to welcome Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba as our distinguished speaker for the Fall 22 Glassman Lecture. The lecture will also be live on zoom.  To register: rb.gy/5yw9qa  Read more

A recording of the lecture is available here

Spring 23 Honors Faculty Roundtable: Faculty teaching Honors Seminars in Spring 23 share their plans for and ideas animating their choice of topic.  Monday October 24, 4:00-5:30 PM.


Spring 2022

What's Happening, Spring  2022-check here for events, civic engagement, and social opportunities to meet  Honors students and mentors.

The Honors Assembly will host the Honors Research Symposium on Thursday, April 14th, 1-3 PM, Cambria, Morris Library.  

Faculty Showcase Fall 2022 flyerHonors Faculty showcase

Each year, the University Honors Program takes up a theme that we explore explore through our seminars and related events.  Our theme for Fall 21-Spring 22 was The State of Climate Emergency - The Earth and Us.

Please join us to hear about the work done in our cluster of seminars.

  • Wednesday, April 13, 3 - 5 PM.
  • University Honors Program Lounge, Morris Library 180.

FALL 2021

What's Happening, Fall 2021-check here for events, civic engagement, and social opportunities to meet  Honors students and mentors.


The Honors Assembly welcomes Fall 21 with two events:


Kate Klise event poster


The Tenney Distinguished lecture will be delivered by award-winning children's book author, Kate Klise.  She will also be workshopping writing for children in Professor Jane Dougherty's UHON seminar, Exploring Children's Literature this Fall.  Read more

Reading and Reception: Thursday, October 21, 4:30-6:30 PM, Guyon Auditorium