Teaching Honors
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Honors Faculty are:
- Engaged scholars, artists, practitioners who are advancing their fields of knowledge
- Eager to engage undergraduate students in research and independent thinking
- Passionate about pedagogy and working holistically with students
- Interested in seeking connections, globally and across multiple disciplines
SIUC faculty teach in Honors at all levels: foundations, intermediate, and advanced. Our UHON seminars substitute for the core curriculum. At the intermediate and advanced level students work with faculty on independent studies, contracted courses, and theses.
Honors Teaching Fellows: Each September, the University Honors Program issues a call for proposals to teach an Honors seminar. The proposals are reviewed by the Honors Advisory Council comprised of faculty representatives from each college. See previous Calls for Proposals here
Faculty Advisor for Honors Contract: Students may seek to earn Honors credit in any course with consent of the Faculty member as well as the Honors Director. Please view the Honors Contract form for more details.
Independent Studies and Thesis: Faculty direct Independent Studies (UHON 399) or UHON 499 Thesis/Project.
Teaching a Departmental Honors Recognized course: Departments initiate the process for adding an H section for outstanding students to their existing courses. Please contact honors@siu.edu for more on this. Here is our current list of Recognized courses
- Honors Student Profile
- Teaching a UHON seminar
- Guidelines for Honors Thesis
- Guidelines for Contracted Courses