What our students say about Honors
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"I think everyone in the Honors program really puts their best efforts towards creating the best experience students can have. I don't think anything could really be improved, at least from my experience. I would recommend this program to another student because it was such a positive experience for me. I gained a lot of valuable experience and mentors from the program, as well as friends. I love how involved the Honors Program is around Campus. I love the variety of classes that are offered through the Honors Program. There really is something for everyone and it's fun to be able to take more interesting classes for credits. I also enjoy how accommodating the program is in allowing students to contract classes for Honors classes.”-Lindsey Leatherman
“I liked being a part of campus events because I felt more involved on campus and it boosted my school spirit. It was also nice to get to know people through honors. I liked having someone to guide me throughout my time here and I like how we talk about things other than school so it's really a "well-rounded" approach. I also knew that I could get guidance/help with things other than honors and that was really nice.” - Maggie Ratcliff
"The moment I was accepted into the University Honors Program (UHP) at Southern Illinois University, my entire academic experience was transformed. Throughout my time at SIU, UHP offered me the most memorable and thought-provoking coursework I have come to know. I feel incredibly fortunate and grateful to have had the encouragement from Elizabeth Donoghue, my Honors advisor, to take this wild idea of a podcast and inspire me to turn it into an Honors thesis. Her belief in this project before its conception energized my confidence in the idea as well." - Erica Stearns
“Personally, I found all of them (UHON classes) to be definitely worth my time, and made my college career a little more meaningful.” – Andrea Storey
“The Honors Program is one of the best offices on campus. Everyone in the program has offered me so much support over the last four years, and I know I could not have reached my full potential without the help of everyone in the office. Thank you!” – Madison McMinn
“The mentors were very helpful. They helped push me to do greater things, including an honor’s thesis. They have been a great resource and support system.” – Megan Quinn
“I think it’s awesome that the Honors Assembly and the UHP continue to create amazing programs that reach a lot of students, faculty, and staff…” – Mary McGee
“Proud to be UHP!” – Holly Piepenburg
Regarding the 4-1-1, Sylvia Faurot said, “I found it very sweet to get to hear about other people’s achievements and offer them support; it was a nice community forging effort.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the UHP. This program helped me grow into a stronger student, leader, and member of my community. I would recommend this program to any incoming student.” – Sara Dixon
“I really enjoyed taking the Honors courses. They made gen eds much more interesting and bearable. I also remember more content from them because of the discussion-based classes!” – Clair Bammann
“The friends that I made living in Smith Hall were my friends throughout college!” – Darren Reinhardt
"I will be attending Indiana University's School of Medicine in the Fall of 2019 in Indianapolis after graduation!" - Anna Feliciano