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Honors Certificate:
Complete 18 hours of UHP-approved coursework.
- Of these, up to 6 hours may be waived for the AP credits, Honors courses taken at other post-secondary institutions, dual credits, and for students with Associates Degrees. However, these credits cannot substitute for an Honors seminar or any other Honors specific course requirement.
- The total number of hours must include one UHON351 seminar and may include a 3-credit senior project or thesis under the direction of a faculty member. Those taking 3 or more UHON seminars may request a waiver of up to 3 credits towards their Honors coursework requirements.
- If accepted into the Upperclassmen Entry Track, continuing SIUC students may complete the program with 12 semester hours of credit. To be considered, you must apply to the Program, have 4 semesters left to complete your degree at SIUC, and show evidence of leadership and civic engagement.
- View our curriculum.
Maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher on all SIUC coursework at graduation.
Meet with your Honors mentor at the beginning of each semester.
Spend 20 hours per academic year in volunteer work in service to the local community.
- Incoming freshmen are encouraged to spend their first year living in the Honors LLC, situated in Smith Hall (West Campus).
- Students live and learn in an exciting, dynamic environment, comprised of students from all colleges and majors, and unified by intellectual curiosity, tenacity, and commitment to learning!
- The Honors LLC will provide students with academic support, the opportunity to network, and the potential to develop life-long friendships.
- Social events, leadership and service opportunities, special workshops, and enrichment activities will be part of your LLC experience.
- Residents are expected to participate in all LLC events.
- Upperclassmen are strongly encouraged to continue their LLC experience in Smith Hall for sophomore years and beyond.