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Packing food for area kids at Gum Drops.
One of the distinguishing features of the Honors student is their commitment to service and leadership. Our students are actively engaged in the community, effectively enhancing their learning experience and broadening their horizons.
We sponsor the following service opportunities:
- Green Earth Sanctuaries
- Gum Drops
- All Seasons Farm
- Crab Orchard Wildlife Refuge
- Touch of Nature
Trips are announced in 4-1-1 and you can reserve a space on a first come basis.
We also take up requests from campus and community groups as they arise. Look out for announcements in 4-1-1. You can also volunteer with any of the activities listed in the Center for Service Learning and Volunteerism portal.
For all other services, please use the Honors Civic Engagement Form and turn it in to the Honors Program.
For more information about University Honors Program Civic Engagement, please contact David Milley, Assistant Director, at or 618-453-1691.
Support Honors
UHP is committed to enabling our best and brightest to reach their utmost potential. Students from all academic disciplines said that the UHP has been the highlight of their academic careers.
We hope you will consider making a tax-deductible contribution and “invest in excellence” at SIU. More information about contributing can be found here.